Thursday, July 14, 2011

While we wait

The Actor waits patiently for the show to begin. He stands on the sidelines for now, just like I do.  The Traveler has gone to the states to meet her brother and sister for the first time. This is the story of 4 children, 3 different fathers, and my nontraditional family. Not many people get a second chance to start a family over again so this time I hope I get it right. 

So while I am waiting to hear more about the Traveler in Denver, I thought I would share something with you about one of the other spectators in this story. My son the Actor is very involved in the theater. Not only does he act, but he is a talented sound and light technician.

 The Traveler and The Actor together just a few days before her journey begins.

When I first told my son, (the Actor) that my child who I had given up for adoption had contacted me he said. " God Mom! I was just getting used to having another sister, and now I have to get used to a older brother as well?"

It did take some time for him to get used to, but once the two of them started talking they quickly developed a friendship. It would have surprised me otherwise because these two are so alike! They share the same passion for music, movies and computers. It still amazes me how similar all my children are. Only two of them grew up together, yet put them all together you have a complete puzzle. One day I hope to see all my children together in the same room. For now, I just wait. The Actor and I stand together backstage waiting to hear, " Enter, stage right....Action!"


Libby said...

Wow, glad the meetings are going well of the siblings. Hope the Traveler continues to have a good trip!

Crazy Life of a Writing Mom said...

Your kids sound like so much fun--just like their Mama.

David P. King said...

Best wishes to your actor and your writing!

RaShelle Workman said...

How fun! Have fun on your traveling journey. =D

Precy Larkins said...

I've really enjoyed reading about your family and the connections that they are beginning to forge with one another. Good luck to your daughter and her journey!

Michael Di Gesu said...

Don't worry SIs, you wish will come true. Give it time. Look how much has happened recently. And you are coming to the states in the fall.

How fortunate you are to have four wonderful and talented children...