During all of April we will be making posts following the alphabet each day with the exception of Sundays. This should be alot of fun and a great way to meet other bloggers that are up to a challenge and just love to write. Since I have a good deal of time on my hands it is possible for me to visit many of the blogs that are doing this challenge and hopefully I will meet alot of interesting and fun bloggers.
I really do not have a strategy other than to have fun, but do keep in mind that because I am in Europe that some time delays in my responces should be expected. I am really looking forward to this challenge and I am very excited. Not nearly as excited as Minnie is though. I have decided to let her come out and play this month. Minnie as you may recall has a very strong opinion on everything. I like to call these opinions "Minnie-isms." If you have watched the show Ally McBeal, than you should remember "Fish-isms" and Dr. House has his "House-isms." Minnie will be sharing her "Minnie-isms" each day according to the correct letter in the alphabet. Just be warned, Minnie is not the sweetest voice out there so I doubt she will be referring to fashion, gardening, children, crafts and least of all coupons. Consider yourself warned.