Monday, November 5, 2012

Home Invasion

Storm season is here and while I sit inside listening to a crackling fire I can still hear the sounds of the crashing waves and the howling wind outside my window. 

Weather attitude darkens my mood and as the days are getting shorter my sunny disposition is being constantly tested. Here in southern Norway we have had nothing but rain and storms for the past two weeks and although there is still no sign of snow the mice have decided that they have had enough of the soggy grass outside our door and moved inside to avoid the weather. 

Imagine trying to sleep at night while listening to the sound of tiny feet scrambling above your head. That my friend is when you make sure you have your feet tightly tucked beneath the blanket, poke the person beside you in bed and say, “Did you hear that?” Finally after doing that several times the response is, “Go back to sleep, it’s just a mouse or two.” Go back to sleep! As if I had fallen asleep in the first place! Finally I end up falling asleep with visions of mice nibbling on my toes. This has been going on all week-end; needless to say I am very tired. Major goal today is mice eviction. I thought it was a man’s job to protect his family from home invasion…sigh…

Any of you out there have a weather attitude or a problem with home invasion? 

Don’t forget this Wednesday is the Insecure Writers Support Group. I double booked myself with both the IWSG and the Resurrection blogfest to celebrate Mina Lobo’s one year blogging anniversary. Check out both, it’s not too late to join the fun.


Paige Kellerman said...

I spotted a mouse in the basement the other night and about had a heart attack. We've set the trap three times for him, and three times he's figured out how to grab the food without being caught. I hope, at least, you don't have super smart, super weird mice in

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

I have mouse eviction duty in our house and take it seriously. We finally have fall weather here, so I'm happy. Maybe my lawn will stop growing.

Unknown said...

I got a chill just reading this, Siv! Love your fireplace, btw. :-D

The weather is cooling slowly here in South Texas, US. 85 degrees F today, but 70s the rest of the week. And we don't get much cooler than that. I'd send you our sunshine if I could!

Unknown said...

Just a mouse or two!??? Boy, if I have mice within a radius of a mile of me - I take to the hills. Good luck with getting rid of them. See you on Wednesday!

Unknown said...

Oh, how I hate mice! I had a Stuart Little type one time. I was watching TV and out of the corner of my eye, I see this little thing sitting next to my couch. He was watching the TV, I swear it. Another time, he was swinging from the stereo power cord. He avoided all our traps for weeks, the little snot.

High five to my fellow double booker. We're going to have fun, though. :)

Shelly said...

I've had strange dreams all week. I'll fall asleep, go into REM, wake up and write it down. And then last night on The Walking Dead, they killed off Lorie. I wasn't expecting that one. I had a hard time falling to sleep with that on my mind.

Anyway, have a nice day Siv.

Hugs and chocolate,

Lisa said...

We, just recently, went through a mice eviction of our own! Eeeeek! Get rid of them now! ;)
Best of luck!!!

Hart Johnson said...

I get glum with the cold. This weekend we changed clocks, so at least it was light on my way to work. That will last all of a month, then it will go dark again for 3 or 4, then just as the light comes, they will change the time AGAIN and subject me to an extra month of darkness. As for mice... we rarely get them and have a strict catch and release policy. I don't really want to live with them, but I prefer that to killing them.

Ghadeer said...

Oh my, I wouldn't be able to close my eyes for a minute if I knew there was a mouse somewhere in the vicinity.

As for the weather, I cannot in any way relate.

Suzanne Furness said...

Mice I can deal with but once, when I was about 8 months pregnant, I stumbled across a massive rat on the stairs! I nearly went into labour there and then. Needless to say husband was dispatched to deal with our uninvited visitor. Hope you get a good nights sleep tonight.

D.G. Hudson said...

Don't like hearing any noises in the wall. Having a cat seems to eliminate the problem with mice, but squirrels in our last house took more convincing.

Roland D. Yeomans said...

Home invasions are the worst. You should at least be safe in your own home and bed! Gypsy, my cat, made sure to keep mice away, but then she and fleas were magnets!

My next apartment neighbor insists on trying "natural" remedies for bed bugs ... so now they have invaded my bed from under the wall between our apartments! Help!

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Siv .. we too have been having storms, wet et al .. thankfully some sun yesterday and today ...

My uncle had mice in his house .. and I had to clear them out - I think we had a neighbourhood of them!! Oh well - something to deal with ... we did sort it.

The birds and squirrels are scuttering around here foraging and munching as fast as they can - I rather hope we don't have deluges of snow this year ... and like you I really am not keen on dark days - unless I can hibernate - which sadly I can't!

Good luck through the winter ... and I hope your scrabblings are resolved soon - Hilary

Anonymous said...

We just had quite a bit of "fun" with a hurricane at the shore, so this resonates. ~Mary