Happy Halloween everyone! We don't celebrate it here in Norway but it was always one of my favorite days growing up in the states. Not sure if it was mostly the chance to get dressed up or the candy. Probably the candy!
Today is Roland Yeomans Happy Halloween Blog fest!
Roland wants to know the book that scared you the most growing up and the one that scared you the most as an adult. Click HERE for details and to find more about his new series, Lucifer's Orphan.
The book that scared me the most growing up and still scares me as an adult is "IT" by the master story teller of horror himself, Stephen King. I have always hated clowns but this book took that hatred to a new level of fear! Good luck with your blogfest Roland and your new series!
A Halloween Treat for you.

They packed the
cat and headed out for a night of fright. However, they forgot it was
Halloween, and soon they encountered hordes of pink-bedecked ballerinas with
zombie faces, followed by tall skinny witch doctors wearing Scream masks that
sprinkled glitter everywhere they went! And so they went breaking into houses
scaring people to death and stealing all their Halloween candy. It was almost
midnight before they got back home, ate too much candy, and got stomach aches but
a good puking made room for more, so Boo grabbed the biggest piece of candy she
could find ...it turned into a gas that
was so explosive that the glitter turned into bombs that blew up the entire
crowd of zombie faced ballerinas and skinny witch doctors.
The cat sat on the steps of the haunted castle together with
the candy apple and Boo, he smiled a wicked grin as he licked his lips of some
sticky candy and asked, “Who’s next?”
Story invented by Minnie and her friends! To find out who contributed click Here.
Sorry if I am not around as much lately as I would like to be. There are family problems that I am trying to deal with. Hope you all have a wonderful Halloween! Anyone watching American Horror Story? I love this season!