Friday, February 15, 2013


No, I am not talking about a gun. The bang… bang is accompanied by other sounds outside my “work space,” such as buzzzzzzzz and eeeeeeeeeeeuuuuuu. Yes my friends, once again my world is overrun by hammers, drills and the saw. You might wonder where I have been lately, now you know. I am stuck under a pile of sawdust and uncompleted writing projects.

View of an unfinished garage
Home renovations and additions have been going on here for several years now. Of course the end result will be worth the wait but in the meantime it is costing me the concentration I need to get work done. You are probably thinking I should move to another room and I would if there was another one unoccupied by a member of the family. As you might recall, my son has moved in again and what was to be my atelier-office has turned into his room. No, I am not complaining.  I am just a bit frustrated because my headphones are broken, and the blinds we ordered for the room I spend most of my days in are missing. 

Amongst all the toil and trouble there is a ray of sunshine. Finally I have found a wonderful and talented writer through this community, and a post through Alex Cavanaugh’s Insecure Writers Support Group, to critique and help me get the first draft of my book finished. I couldn’t be more pleased! 

So you see now what I have been up to, what about you? Do you have any major distractions that get in the way of your writing? I bet you do, tell me about it and where ever in the world you find yourself I hope distractions will not get in the way of you having a fantastic Week-end!


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Glad you found a critique partner!!
Sorry the construction is such a distraction. Tell the workers if they don't finish soon, you're drilling some heads.

Michael Di Gesu said...

Hi, Sis,

I wondered where you have gone...MISSED YOU! WELCOME BACK!

LOVELY sunny room and your windows are beautiful. Man you have a ton of property. Is that your garage being built? DAMN.... WHAT FANTASTIC SPACE. My condo is smaller than half that structure. Turns green with envy.... LOL.

If you even need a set of eyes, you could always ask me too...

Ghadeer said...

Most of the distractions I get are in my head! (and therefore inexcusable)

shelly said...

Glad to see you back. I've got a list of things>
1- the fact I need to pay bills, therefore, I have 30 hr work week hair lopping.




5-sometimes fatigue

Glad you have a critter to work with you. That's always a big help.

Hugs and chocolate,

Roland D. Yeomans said...

It's always great to have found someone who will hold you accountable to get that writing done and done well. Hang in there. The hammers will have to stop sometime!

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Siv .. sounds like a busy life around your house - and can see why there's a few hiccups and hurdles that need to be got over ... so pleased you've found a critique partner ...

Good luck and enjoy the lighter evenings ... cheers Hilary

Unknown said...

Hi Siv! I've been away myself, but I'm happy to get back around at least for a bit. Sorry you're under such piles, but I'm happy to hear you've found a crit partner. I adore mine and wouldn't know what to do without them.

Yolanda Renée said...

Major distraction, FB and LinkedIn, I signed back up and already regret the time it's taking. Just can't please me, although to be honest, it's mostly because I still don't understand the process. I know it's to connect, but -- I really prefer writing, although blog hopping and commenting, still seems like more fun than the other social networks. Guess I have a lot to learn!
I am jealous that your house is getting so much attention. Mine needs so much work.
Glad to hear your book is progressing smoothly, good critique partners are worth their weight in gold!

Nancy Thompson said...

Yes, marketing! I have to spend so much time marketing book 1 that I can't find enough time for book 2.

congrats on finding a CP! Good luck with the noise.

shelly said...

Weird. The blog party post didn't pop up. This one did.

Hugs and chocolate,