Friday, January 20, 2012

Meet Spot M-288

Nani getting to know her new friend

Also known as Intelligent Robot Vacuum Cleaner, the newest member of our family was a Christmas present from our son. At last our very own robot maid (in China.) After several feedings of electrical current and careful deliberation the men in the family resorted to reading Spots user manual. Try and try again, Spot would move around the floor eating dust, crumbs and dog hair. After just a couple of minutes the poor thing would give up, blink its red light and park itself in its little garage. There was something definitely wrong, and the diagnosis was a transplant. We waited patiently for its new heart and prayed that it would take, but it didn’t and Spot slowly just died. Luckily we were able to replace it and today a brand new spot is eating off our floors and shooting our electricity through its body. Hopefully we will not have to suffer another robot loss for a while. Technology, whatever will be next, and will we be smart enough---human enough to deal with it?

Hope everyone has a "Dust Free" week-end!


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

That's cool. What does your dog think of Spot?

Geoff Maritz said...

Poor spot wouldn't last very long here. Living on a farm entails endless dusting and cleaning. Technology what will come next? Flying cars are already over the horizon and road engineers are looking a bit tense at the moment.
You have a dust free weekend and I'll get out the broom again. :)

Anonymous said...

I want one! That is an awesome gift!

Crazy Life of a Writing Mom said...

Lol! I LOVE this ;) it reminds me of the Jetsons.

Unknown said...

I have always wanted one of those little guys. They're so cute and I wouldn't to move furniture so much when I clean. LOL

Kara said...

Oh! Nani doesn't look to sure about her new friend. Do you have a cat? Mine would love something like that!

Susan Oloier said...

What a great photo of Nani and the robot. I hope this one lasts and that it and Nani get along.