Oops, this one almost got away from me. Can't have that, since I have not missed a post yet! So it is time for
the Insecure Writers Support Group once again! I have been laboring with my
book all day long and had almost forgotten that it was the first Wednesday of
the month, pretty much as I have been trying to forget that Christmas is
coming. I have been looking for Christmas inspiration as much as I have been
looking for inspiration to write. 38,000 words and I wonder if I am saying
anything at all. My American son tells
me that no one cares about their family heritage. That a story about finding
family in foreign territory is just boring, ok… so I bring gods and fairytales
into this story… a children’s story it is not, but maybe I need more sex and battles.
I don’t know. My family in Norway refuses to read my story so far, and I can see
why…hard work to read a foreign language. To be honest I feel lately like I am
just flapping my wings and each sentence I write takes longer. I may have a new
critique partner, but do you ever feel like giving up? Sometimes words of encouragement
are just needed. Here are mine to you! Find someone to tell you not to give up,
and keep looking until you do.
Don't give up! Keep writing! Stories about heritage can be good, especially when the characters learn more about themselves - isn't that an integral part of every story?
Keep writing!
Come to Salt Lake and you'll find a difference of opinion! I love family history stuff, and what about the show Who Do You Think You Are? One of the best shows on television. So keep going because there is interest whether your son thinks so or not.
Keep on writing, Siv! Family history is a MASSIVELY popular topic, and always will be, as long as there are families and history ;) good luck with your new CP, and just keep writing!
Do not ever give up! I feel that every story finds its audience no matter what. I was told that a first person female werewolf story would never fly, but I wrote her anyway and she's my most popular. :)
Huge hugs, my friend.
Siv, never quit writing, but perhaps do get fresh eyes looking at it.
In the future, we who have settled in countries not our own, could be considered pioneers of sorts. Keep writing that story of your heritage, it sounds interesting if you're putting legendary creatures in it.
Might not matter to your son, but it matters to a lot of other people. Don't stop writing it, Siv. You had a short story published - you know you can do a whole book now!
oh no! I'm like you - I'm a Brit living in Portugal so my Portuguese friends and family have no interest in what I write about. And, you know, we do have a lot of good settings as we live in foreign countries. *gulp* my new work is about finding family in foreign parts (is it overdone???? Please say no). Get writing!
Okay, unfortunately, it seems kids believe it's their job to try and give you a "reality kick" when they are too young to have an idea of what reality is. So foo to him! Go on with your personal history. Many people love it, as I do.
A place that might give you some inspiration and feedback if you need more is, where you can upload all or a portion of your manuscript and get feedback. It's a great site, but could take up much more time than you'd like to give. I had gotten some great input on my book from some of the forums before I published.
Yes! DON'T give up. It can be tough, but trust me, years from now you will look back and be glad you stuck with it.
"Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm."
Winston Churchill
Yes, I have felt like giving up many times. Like about 5 times a day, more or less. But I do not and should not either. Why? Because you get some joy from writing. Just remember why do you write? Answering this question, from the bottom of my heart is what keeps me writing. :)
Don't give up! My kids don't get me and my stories either :)
One of us needs to be focused and positive. OKAY, I will be ... GET TO WORK AND DON'T LiSTEN TO YOUR SON... LISTEN TO YOUR BRO!
WRITE your family story. LOOK how far you've come in such a short period of time. YOU CAN DO IT! I BELIEVE in you and your talent .... even if you don't!
I think we all feel like giving up sometime. But, if you give up now, all of this is for nothing. And how awful would that feel? I mean...really think about that for a second. To just leave the project half would probably haunt you forever. It would always be that one thing you wish you'd finished. Don't let it be that. You'll be SO proud of yourself when you're done. You can do this!! :)
And I don't have much Christmas spirit this year either, but I just need to remember what the season is really about, rather than stressing that we don't have any money to buy stuff this year...Even my youngest is fourteen, old enough to understand. And the tree is still beautiful. The cookies will still taste good. There's always plenty to be thankful for, right?
And...if nothing's only a month. will be over soon. That's awful, I know--but sometimes it makes me feel better. ;)
From Galaxy Quest: Never Surrender!
Now, more than ever, people want to know their roots and the stories from those mysterious ancestors.
Keep writing.
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