Sign up on the linky tool below and post about YOUR favorite Norse
God on that date. Because it is my
birthday as well as the celebration of my book release there has to be
Anyone who buys my book from now and during this blogfest can email me
and I will send them an autographed print of this Freya illustration made by my
daughter Maria Bech. This illustration is not available anywhere else and is
not included in the book. My book is available at most online retailers including Amazon and Barnes and Noble.
More presents? I will be giving away a signed copy of my
book to who-ever actively parties the most on this day. So spread the word, use
my banner, visit as many blogs as you can, and write a great post! Special points if you visit my NEW WEB PAGE and like my Facebook Author page!
My blog tour for the release of ‘Secrets of the Ash Tree’ will be
from October 7th-14th.
I have a lot of great things planned for this tour and some amazing bloggers to visit, but for now they are a secret...More details later…Hope everyone has a fantastic week-end!
I have a lot of great things planned for this tour and some amazing bloggers to visit, but for now they are a secret...More details later…Hope everyone has a fantastic week-end!