The Beast in the Belly
As soon as the coals ignited and various accessories were
tossed with bits of flesh on the hot bars of aluminum, the beast in the stomach
started to growl. It needed to be satisfied by……….(YOUR TURN)
You have all week-end to play. Minnie will be back on Monday with the final story.
As for other news on my side of the world; my daughter is pregnant (has nothing to do with the beast in the belly) so I am going to be a grandma on this side of the ocean as well. She is due in November so everyone cross your fingers with me for a healthy pregnancy.
Also my book "Secrets of the Ash Tree"is finished and with the editors. My daughter is working on the book cover so hopefully I will be able to reveal that soon. Here is my blurb:
In the realm of gods and fairy tales the mystery of life is
an endless path with many secrets to be discovered. Some secrets are like
dreams, just waiting in darkness hoping to get into the light.
“Secrets of the Ash
Tree” is the story about Liv, a young woman who discovers her true nature
through the unraveling of hidden secrets. Her adventures begin when she digs up
a chest that was buried by her father under the old ash tree in her garden. What
she finds inside the chest changes her life forever. Liv discovers one secret after another and is thrown
into a world full of dangerous and strange creatures, mighty Norse warriors and
perils beyond her belief. What started out as a fairy tale in her father’s
journal was to become her legacy, a guide line to survival, and a map to the
world she was about to enter. Each day, each mystery, each encounter will
ultimately reveal her true destiny, and behind the edge of a sword awaits a
familiar stranger waiting to share that destiny with her.
Have a great week-end and see you again on Monday.