Christmas celebrations in Norway have already started. The
whole month of December is full of parties and the most renowned is the “Julebord,”
The Christmas Table, which is a company party thrown for employees or other
groups to eat drink and be merry. Long tables are set for a giant sit down dinner, almost like a wedding and they are not reserved for just week-ends. Since I have been working backstage for many years during these events, this has always been a time for me to make an insane
amount of food, fold hundreds of napkins, pour drinks, carry heavy plates and
smile a lot! The kitchen dance is an amazing dance. If you have ever worked in
the food industry then you know what I mean. After a hard day or night on that
dance floor it is difficult to go home and do a repeat performance but sometimes
I surprise even myself.

Have you been to any christmas parties, if so what are they like? Have you ever been ""Backstage" during one of these events?" Enjoy your celebrations where ever they may find you.
Saturday, I plan to do some baking. Killer double chocolate cake. Chocolate chip cookies. And my To-Die-For-Peanut-Butter cups. We do Chrismakah at my house since we have a co-mingling of Jews, Christians, and Pagans in my family.
Happy Christmas!
Hugs and chocolate,
Sir Poops and Hair Ball will be getting in contact with you soon. They need some Nosh for February.
Hi Siv .. he sure looks happy!! I was chief cook and bottle washer for 200 once for our Christmas party in South Africa - it was exceedingly hot and that made life very difficult - I did it .. but I think it wasn't the most successful party I've helped with or put on ... I love being behind the scenes ...
Love deer and that roast sounds positively delicious ...
The thought of a Norwegian December horrifies me .. way too much partying!! Have fun though ... cheers Hilary
My husband would love that dinner too! I have a lunch feast next week at my son's preschool and then a Festivas celebration with friends on the 23rd. Lots of good food and good company. Cheers!
A month-long party? I could handle that!
I'm rather a private person so I usually work for my friends who have family. I deliver rare blood to those in need, and my friends can enjoy the holidays with loved ones. Plus no indigestion! :-)
I've been to a few Christmas parties, but I try to stay away from behind the scenes. They are SO MUCH work to put together.
I've been to a Christmas party once, in Canada, where they urged me to finish dinner in 20 minutes and interrupted an interesting conversation with someone else at the party to go in the living room and unwrap the presents all together. I vowed that would be the last time I join a Christmas party.
Will spend it, from now on, at home, with my mother, my aunt, and the pictures of our dog.
hey you:) yep! I have. Both been working backstage for ten eyars, now attending:) julebord in norway.. don´t really know if I like them so much though. Nurse now, and it´s just... I don´t know.. hm.. anyways, thanx for writing and sharing. loving your blog:) merry x-mas!
It sounds like a month filled with fun!
I've been to one Christmas party so far at work. It's a pretty quiet affair with food, door prizes, and a gift exchange called "Dirty Santa."
As I read this, it reminded me of living in Germany. The Christmas parties started early and were full of joy and laughter!
Party hard in December, then diet hard and exercise in January. No, haven't been to any big parties like that.
I'm impressed if you're one of the people making it happen in the kitchen. Tony Bourdain, the chef, says it's like 'hell' in the kitchen. I like that you call it the Kitchen Dance. (Have you read any of Bourdain's books?)
Hope your holidays are great! Good luck with the sales of that anthology that you and Roland are in!
I'd gain ten pounds a week with that menu. I start cooking on Wed. Turkey, ham, candied apples, pumpkin pie, corn, mashed potatoes, apple pie, pumpkin bread, etc... Ah, guess I'll gain ten pounds from just tasting as I cook.
Hi, I'm thrilled to find your blog this morning. Actually went to a work do last night.......very disappointing:( No food! A bar to buy drink and a DJ. Your parties sound grand!
Hi, Sis,
You are most likely winding down now... Her is only 3:30... SUNNY and COLD.
Spending the holidays in Galena, a small town three hours west of Chicago. SNOWED yesterday... SOOO pretty. Today spent a few hours sledding down the mini mountains or LARGE hills.
Taking a breather for an hour or so and then off to work out.
Yes, even on vacation I work out. Baked up a storm all week and have been eating like crazy so I need to work it off.
WHAT FABULOUS food for your holiday. I would definitely have to drop ten pounds before visiting. BUT what fun to put them back on. LOL.
BIG hugs from you little Bro.
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