Hey! Cheers Alex Cavanaugh and a special warm greeting to his
amazing wife, who I am sure about now has ducked around a corner somewhere, even
though she must be extremely proud of Alex, she is just as much of an enigma as her husband.Thanks Ms. Cav for sharing him with
us! So…In case you peeps have not guessed by now this is the “Cheers to you
Alex Cavanagh” a SUPER spaced out Blog party hosted by Mark
Koopman, Morgan Shamy, Stephen Tremp, and David Powers King! There are a lot of rules for winning
prizes at this awesome party, so I will do my best
to follow them, if you want to check them out for yourself then LOOK HERE. I am just here for the free food and drinks, however I do admire Alex the "Ninja" blogger…Why, you ask? Probably for the same reasons everyone does... he is a helpful and time
giving blogger friend, blah blah, etc...etc...but seriously, he always knows the five "W's"and the one H so if I were to guess, Alex is much like our friend with a beard that has found a way to time travel.
Think about it, how does he get around to everyone?
My guess is he looks just
like Santa too…I would cast Santa as Alex in any future documentary but since he is always fully booked, I would have to go with John Petrucci.
Using no more than 100 words that must include Cavanaugh, Cosbolt, Ninja, IWSG, and Guitar; here is my Flash Fiction…
LET HIM EAT CAKE! (word count 97)
You could say I was surprised when Cavanaugh came into my
café with his famous Cosbolt worn guitar slung over his shoulder and asked for
a piece of my chocolate cake.
flashed me pearly whites from under his big beard and said, “A jug of milk to
go would be nice.” Before I managed to get his autograph, he disappeared with
the speed of a Ninja. The sound of his music hung in the air, and from the
window I saw him fly away with “IWSG ON TOUR” written on the side of his magic
Merry Christmas Mr. and Mrs Claus! Have a great week everyone and don't forget to check out this great party by clicking the link on my sidebar!
LOL! To funny, Siv! Man, can I have a slice? Love the pic. And what a fun blogfest. Thanks for participating! <3
LOL! Would love to come to your café. I hear you have the coolest clients come by. (:
LOL - Santa!! Your cafe looks fabulous. I'll have a slice of the white cake please. Lovely story :-)
I hope I left you a tip!
That was wonderful, Siv. Now if only I had the talent of Petrucci.
Thanks so much for being such a great friend.
OMGosh definitely loved the posting! What a very nice tribute! I am still laughing at Let Him Eat Cake. Enjoyed reading your post.
This is the second time Alex has been accused of being Santa! I think there's something going on ;)
Santa is perfect!
I'd like a slice of cake and milk, too! Really fun to read. Alex as Santa, huh? And twice he's thought of that way. Santa may leave Alex a lump of coal in his stocking! LOL.
Love the comparison to Santa Claus - perfect!!!
Haha, adorable post. I can't believe we've finally figured out who Santa Claus is!!!
Santa Alex! I love how Santa is a heavy metal guitar player. My nephews would die. LOL! Great piece and an epic interpretation of our Captain.
Oh superb - there must always be cake! :)
shahwharton.com x
I love the Alex is Santa idea. He has to have some kind of magic to get around to all of us! I'll take a piece of cake too.
Of course he has a magic sleigh! Wonderful!
HaHa, Santa as Alex is just so funny. I love it :)
Your cafe sounds fun, Siv can I visit? I agree Alex for Santa!
I agree about Santa. I'M A BELIEVER! :D
Cake is a good conversation starter. Liked the story, and the Santa angle.
Hehehe! That was so much fun! Alex is a bit magical.
Very original description. Have not read anything similar yet. :)
LOVE the pic in your cafe' Sis.
Nice and magical tribute to our blogger buddy. Well done.
Hi Siv .. love the cake thought - and I'd join you in that cafe anytime .. and would definitely make a point of being there if Alex was dropping in ..
Fun - cheers Hilary
that was a fun story! and yummy! i want cake!
You could name a dish or sandwich after Alex. Like some delis name a meal after a celebrity. Like the Alex Pastromi Sandwich Special.
You made the man cake. Cake! That is above and beyond. Totally and completely awesome. Thanks for participating! :)
Excellent and original! Too funny.
Alex Claus :)
Suh-weet, and yes this has been a FUN blog hop, so Cheers for participating in AlexFest :)
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