Check out this link for more details!

Now have some fun and go check out what our other friends are wearing at Chrismas.
If you have not seen Minnies Gibberish Shopping fun, it is not to late to add to her shopping trip. Check out the story HERE. It will be posted finished on Dec. 1st.
On another note, my good friend Roland Yeomans is having a contest with the most amazing prizes! Join his Victor Standish Contest by checking out his blog HERE
Roland and I have also contributed short stories in the anthology "Fractured Fairy Tales," which is being released on December 1st. More details about this and a fantastic Bookfair on my blog tomorrow so don't forget to come back. December is going to be a great month with so much happening and so much love to share! I hope you will spend some of that time with me as I share my Christmas Calander each day with all of you.
Question for all of you:
Have any of you noticed an increased problem with the spam of Anonymous posts in your blog? I hate word verification and have tried comment modification but am not to fond of that either. Any suggestions?
You look happy!
Plugging Roland's contest tomorrow and when I have the details on that book, I'll mention it Monday for you.
I don't allow anonymous comments and comments on posts older than four days require approval. As a result, I get almost no spam.
Love your quick pic in front of your tree!
And yes, there's been a huge increase in spam- I don't do word verification (hate it) but luckily the blogger spam filter catches most of it instead of posting it.
seems to be a new thing for companies trying to market thru blog comments? don't understand...
happy holidays!
I've noticed with alarm your comments being beseiged by spam lately. It made me mad on your behalf. I believe Alex's suggestion would help immensely with your problem.
Love your photo in front of the tree. Being alone, I do not take photos of me any more. (No one to hold the camera!)
Thanks again for talking about my contest/ I look forward to sharing print with you in the OPEN DOORS anthology!
Nice pic, hope to post mine at the weekend! I'll try and pop in on Minnie and add a line :)
To get rid of my anonymous spam, I just made it so anonymous people couldn't comment anymore, and, I turned on monitoring of comments for anything older than a day. That helped immensely.
I've begun having a problem with anon comments and am thinking about doing what Alex has done. Problem is, I have friends who don't have blogs and want to leave comments, so will wait until after the holidays.
I don'tt allow anonymous comments which might be why I don't have any spam problems. I figure if a person wants to comment they should not hide behind the "anonymous" shield and just own their words.
I have activated Comment Moderation as I do not blog daily and this prevents comments that are of a self-promoting nature to get air time on my site.
I'm a tough cookie that blog, my rules. That being said I think freedom to express oneself is vital...just not using "anonymous".
I'm not a fan of WV and as a rule won't comment when it is eyes just don't like straining so hard to figure it all out.
Also, I can see where WV or CM would be a hinderance to your Gibberish game (which I played for the first time on you last post and loved) as this prevents the spontaneity and flow of writing.
Anyhow...whatever you decide I'm confident you will choose the option that best works for you.
Cheers, Jenny
Okay, I meant comment "anonymously". Not comment period. My mistake. I need to learn to proofread.
Fabulous photo! I've been getting a lot more spam lately too. Blogger usually deletes it for me, but I get a little email about it before it does.
Lovely photo! Thanks for being part of the Blindsided bloghop!
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