Eye Spy is on a rather unusual journey today. Feeling a bit out of place as a panther suited in pink instead of black, Eye Spy finds itself in a strange world full of magical and often dark places.
Roland Yeomans has once again spun a tale that takes the reader on an amazing journey full of adventure, mystery, and lore through the love/hate and friendships we feel through his characters.
END OF DAYS was first published as BEST OF ENEMIES on May 12, 2012 but the cover and title were soon changed after complaints that the cover to BEST OF ENEMIES was insulting and demeaning to women, which was never the authors intent. Ever heard the saying, "Never judge a book by it's cover!" We all know that the cover and title to a book is VERY important. Still, no matter what cover or title Roland uses, I am a huge fan of his and of his work. His strange, off the wall characters have spell bound me once again.
This time Roland takes us to a unusual school run by the Sidhe in the hurricane Katrina devastated french quarter of New Orleans. It is up to
Alice Wentworth, a Victorian ghoul, a group of misfit
students and human teachers to stop the "End of Days." Mythology and Folklore set in the Gothic stained pages of this book is a true pleasure to read. To find out more and to get your copy GO HERE
To quote a line from the book, "A dreamer is one who only finds her way by moonlight, and her punishment is that she sees the dawn before the rest of the world." Roland Yeomans is a dreamer who writes for other dreamers such as myself.
Have you read any of Roland's books? Have you been to his blog? If you would like to get a visit from Eye Spy's Pink Panther let me know.
I haven't had time to read it yet, but I have read some of Roland's work and he's an amazing writer.
No. I haven't had the opportunity to read his book. But it sounds like something right up my alley.
Great to hear a little more of the story behind End of Days. I don't find the cover demeaning to women, but it DOES look like maybe it is slash/sexy gothic romance, which the description doesn't sound like it is. best of luck to Roland with it!
Thanks so much for the Eye Spy spotlight, Siv. Alice blows you a kiss and Samuel tips his Stetson to you. I hope your daughter did well on her exam!
Thanks for following me here, Hart! And only the highest sales for your book. Shelly, I think you'd enjoy Ragnarok in the French Quarter. Thanks, Alex for the nice words!
i love a dreamer!
I have to admit that I would probably pass over the 1st cover in the book store. I like the 2nd. The story itself sounds amazing and I'll have to check it out.
Hello Siv! Roland's blog and posts are super duper amazing!! Totally mind boggling!! Yay for Roland! take care
Roland is one of the most productive writers I have ever encountered.
Sabrina, please do check out END OF DAYS ... poor Alice is beginning to get an inferiority complex ... it has 13 beautiful interior illustrations, too!
You do not know how much your words about my blog & posts mean to me today. I was beginning to wonder if I should just wander away, Roland
END OF DAYS is it for me for awhile at least! With it, a cycle of a story arc is complete. Thanks for the kind words, Roland
I haven't read any of his books and sadly won't be able to now. So many books I can't read it gets frustrating.
Craziness Abounds:
I will pray for whatever is keeping you from reading to ease up. My books have a speech-enabled facet to them if that helps. END OF DAYS has 13 beautiful illustrations. Have a beautiful rest of the week, Roland
So sorry, Melynda:
My mother had a similar eye problem. Life offers us such challenges that it often stuns us.
May the music of nature and your favorite artists help in some small way. My prayers are with you and your daughter, Roland
I have read some of Roland's other stuff.I'm still working my way through his catalog. He is an absolutely fantastic writer and this sounds like one hell of an intriguing story.
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